Rafetus swinhoei
Swinhoe’s Giant Softshell Turtle
- Habitat:
- Large turbid lakes and rivers
- Threats:
- - Collection of adults and eggs for consumption
- Incidental capture in fishing gear
- Conservation Efforts:
- - Exploratory visual, drone, and camera trap surveys and eDNA analysis
- Capture and release for DNA confirmation
- Population monitoring
- Community outreach and engagement
- Protected in China and Vietnam
- CITES Appendix II
- Wild Population:
- - Declining
- Functionally extinct in the wild
- Population decline greater than 99%
- No confirmed individuals in the wild
- Strong evidence to suggest multiple individuals in Vietnam
- Endangered Status:
- Critically Endangered
Fast Facts
-Four living specimens: two in separate lakes in the northern part of Vietnam (Red River drainage) and two in China where the only confirmed female from Changsha Zoo