Defining life history traits such as survivorship, population estimates, density, biomass, and sex ratios in wild populations over long periods of time is critical to formulating and implementing turtle conservation and management plans, as well as detecting population declines or other trends. Through long-term population monitoring and robust data sets, the Alliance and its partners can expand the project scope into under-studied aspects of these species’ life histories, as well as provide informed, science-based recommendations to wildlife resource managers and other landscape stakeholders.
Turtle Survival Alliance supports Bog Turtle research and conservation efforts of Mike Knoerr and JJ Apodaca at multiple wetlands in North Carolina through the Bern Tryon Southern Bog Turtle Fund. This project performs Bog Turtle population research, assessments, and monitoring through the use of mark-recapture, eDNA technology, and innovative camera-trap design, population modeling, and works to increase Bog Turtle population sizes through maintaining electric fencing around nesting areas and locating and covering Bog Turtle nests with cages to safeguard them from predators, to prevent predation of the eggs.
For more information, or to volunteer, contact Jordan Gray: [email protected]
North America
Key Species

Lead Partners and Supporters
- Bluff City Turtles,
- City of New Braunfels,
- Disney’s Animal Kingdom,
- Felburn Group,
- Flagler College,
- Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission,
- Florida Park Service,
- Freed-Hardeman University,
- Friends of the Wekiva River,
- Horse Creek Wildlife Sanctuary and Animal Refuge,
- Houston Parks and Recreation Department,
- Jacksonville University,
- Memorial Park Conservancy,
- Nature Conservancy of North Carolina,
- Nonconnah Creek Conservancy,
- North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Northeast Wood Turtle Working Group,
- Orange County Parks and Recreation,
- Partners for Bull Creek,
- Peninsula College,
- Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission,
- Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program,
- Santa Fe College,
- SWCA Environmental Consultants,
- Tangled Bank Conservation,
- TC Energy,
- Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency,
- Texas Parks and Wildlife Department,
- The County Line,
- theTurtleRoom,
- United States Fish and Wildlife Service,
- United States Geological Survey,
- University of South Florida,
- Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife